Right Thyroid Hemiagenesis with Multinodular Goitre on the Left Lobe in Female Patient : A Case Report
Ali ÇİFTÇİ1, Murat Burç YAZICIOĞLU1, Mustafa Celalettin HAKSAL1, Çağrı TİRYAKİ1, Hamdi Taner TURGUT1, Murat COŞKUN1, Mehmet ÖZYILDIZ1, Selim Yiğit YILDIZ1, Çetin KOTAN2
1Derince Education and Research Hospital, Department of General Surgery, Kocaeli/TURKEY
2Yuzuncuyil University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of General Surgery, Van/ TURKEY
Keywords: Thyroid, Hemiagenesis, Multinodular Goitre
Thyroidal hemiagenesis is a congenital anomaly, in which one of the thyroid lobes fails to develop embryologically. Most of the patients are detected incidentally and have an associated thyroid disease. The true prevalence of this anomaly is not known yet. In this study, we report a 40 - year-old female patient with a multinoduler goitre on the left lobe, associated with hemiagenesis of the right lobe.