Amyloid goiter: case report
Bartu Badak1, Enver İhtiyar1, Mustafa Salış1, Didem Turcan2
1ESOGÜ Tıp Fakültesi, Genel Cerrahi Kliniği, Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Eğitim, Uygulama ve Araştıma Hastanesi, ESKİŞEHİR
2ESOGÜ Tıp Fakültesi, Patoloji AD, Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi Eğitim, Uygulama ve Araştıma Hastanesi, ESKİŞEHİR
Keywords: Goitre, amyloidosis, surgery
Accumulation of amyloid in thyroid tissue occurs in 50-80% of the cases. However, goitre caused by amyloid accumulation is rarely seen. Only 250 of cases has been reported since amyloid goitre has been first described and mostly caused by amyloidosis secondary to chronic diseases. Amyloid accumulation occurs in other organs as well as thyroid glands. In the present study, we have reported a case of goitre with preesure symptoms, secondary to amyloid accumulation due to FMF.